Who can serve as a SAP team member?
A SAP team consists of school and community agency staff that have completed a specialized training on the Student Assistance process. These individuals typically include school teachers, nurses and guidance counselors, as well as community mental health and drug and alcohol liaisons.
Who can use SAP services?
Any person concerned about the educational performance or overall well-being of a student may refer that student to SAP. A student can be referred by a parent, teacher, neighbor, school support staff, peer or even refer themselves. People making these referrals share a common goal: to help students to enhance their emotional and behavioral health so they can succeed academically. All information is kept confidential.
What happens when a student is referred to SAP?
When a student is referred, the referral form is received by the SAP team. The team gathers objective information about the student’s performance in school from individuals who have contact with the student, such as teachers and coaches. Information may also be collected from the parent. The SAP Team then meets with the parent to discuss the data collected. A plan is collectively developed to address the barriers to learning. The plan may include a behavioral health assessment or linkage to school and/or community resources. The SAP team will continue to work with and support the student and family throughout the process.
*The parent/guardian has to give signed consent for assessment if under the age of 18.
*For more information, please contact Danielle Hardy at [email protected]