DUI Services

CRN Evaluation – $50.00

All persons arrested for Driving Under the Influence are to be evaluated using the Court Reporting Network instruments issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and any other additional evaluation techniques deemed appropriate by the court to determine the extent of the person’s involvement with alcohol or controlled substances and to assist the court in determining what sentencing, probation or conditions of Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition would benefit the person or the public. This 45 minute interview includes questions pertaining to family history, medical background, drinking patterns and personal attitudes.


Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment – $50.00

An assessment is a comprehensive view of an individual focusing on their alcohol and other drug use. An assessment also surveys a client’s emotional/psychiatric background, family/social life, legal history, schooling, employment, and medical history in relation to their alcohol and other drug use. Based on the assessment, an individual is given a plan to address any issues/concerns that came to light during the assessment.


Alcohol Highway Safety School – $250.00

Alcohol Highway Safety (AHSS) is an education program that teaches about the effects of alcohol and other drugs (AODs) on the individual, their family and their community. The AHS program gives an individual a solid foundation about the inherent dangers that come along with the use of AODs.